I'm also SUPPOSED to be on my summer holidays BUT I went back home in the middle of my internship for about a month? SO now, our administrator just gave me a call (which made my heart skip a bit since I thought I was about to get a job...) to wreck my sunny summer filled flowers and tell me that my schedule for payback is from this week on till the end of June... (T.T) I just feel like crying...
But anyways~ I'm just ranting with all of my big big problems that are as big as a speck...
So today right after my internship I went straight to dundrum to meet up with Wakiko. I didn't take any pictures since I left my camera back home and I was already late an hour... Let's not even go as to why I was late. (=.=) She wanted to meet up with me since she's going back home to Tokyo this thursday... I envy her I seriously do... I wish I could go home as well... Shopping, Friends etc etc is just way better there.
But enough about me, she was complaining about her Boyfriend with the same problem that we discussed about Last month with Mari. I don't think I'll be diving deeper into it today since I'm a bit squeezed for time. But basically we think her relationship isn't going anywhere at all, so were trying to think for a solution on how to fix this dilemma of hers... It was fun hanging out with her and kind of surprising for her to ask if we could meet up. She's a really nonchalant kind of a friend so she won't speak up unless you do for her. (-w-)v I really wish we could've taken a photo together though... Iphone was with me but let's be honest... Iphone camera is crap... Really crap...
So today while reading the local magazine (I can't remember which magazine it was...) But apparently they examined some of the make-up bar's testers to see which kind of bacteria was mostly present in the testers. The magazine claimed that there was a whole lot of different kinds of bacteria present in testers. That was not surprising though since the amount of different kinds of people do use the testers randomly and I mean I doubt the sales ladies change the testers everyday. Some make-up shops only change the testers when the item is finished or broken (yet some shops don't even change them even if it's broken...)
So they found out that the bacteria that was mostly present in testers like eye make up or lip sticks was E. COLI... Now E. coli is a bacteria present in the gut, so basically they are present in your poopies...
Question is, how did the bacteria from your poopie get to the make-up samples? Well think hygiene, simply some people don't wash their hands right after they use ze toilet and thus your poopie bacteria is present in the hands and gets transfered when someone tries to use a make-up tester. Disgusting isn't it?
Just imagine you trying on some of the lipstick testers that are out on the shelf, I know some try it on the hands but some ladies do try it on their lips because naturally the outcome is different on your hands than on your lips. So some do test on their lips to see if the color suits them and what not... Pardon me for the language but It's similar to putting some poopie on your lips or your face if you think about it... And I know none of you ladies would put even your own poopie on anywhere near your face so why put someone else's?
BUT I'm not saying that you guys aren't allowed to try testers anymore since it has the poopie bacteria. But you should suggest, ask or actually check how the shops hand out their testers. Like I know in mac they are very into hygiene where they have these little disposable brushes and what not for you to use so you won't be contaminating the tester or your-self.
That was just a little fact for every girl like me! Ladies just be aware of what you put on your face~! (^.~) I hope I didn't scare any of you or worst disgust any of you!!!