Well, tomorrow's my last day of the week in my Geriatrics Internship and thus 2 weeks left!!! Wee!!! I'm actually happy!!! Because 2 weeks left of Geriatrics + 1 week of ICU + 1 week of CCU + 2 weeks of maternity = 6 weeks left of Internship before Summer!!!
Well... I have to pay back the one month I took... So not summer yet for me... But at least it's at theatre so I'm a little happy~ (-3-)
A few friends of mine planned to have a picnic by the beach this friday. But the weather seems to be against us. For the week last week we had lots and lots of pretty sunshiney days which made me really happy! I mean Spring finally came through after all that snow!!! But then all of a sudden after our plans were made, since monday and up until this morning it was snowing... Seriously! Snowing during Spring!!! (-_-") it annoyed me soo much...
SO I don't know what will happen by then, if the weather turns out to be good this Friday we might go ahead if not then it's cancelled... *Fingers Crossed for the sun to come out and play*
Anyways~ I don't know but I've been noticing Yukina since Pinky way back before it was her face that captivated me not her style from what I remember. I think it was how her eyes were small but despite her small eyes she still looked somewhat different? I think that's what got my attention. Like she had her own smile that included those smiling eyes of hers. She's one of those pretty faced girls~
Yukina Kinoshita from Pinky
Because with Nozomi and Rina (Lena) I noticed their styles first then it proceeded to their faces that naturally I came to love. But it was their style that caught my attention in the very beginning. So I should say that Yukina was the first model who caught my attention by her face. But in my opinion if I compare Yukina to both Nozomi and Rina I don't think she's as pretty as they are now. I guess I could be biased because I love both Nozomi and Rina to bits~
Yukina's Style seemed to have undergone a slight change? Or maybe it's just me? (-.-")
But anyway, Mari and I were discussing about the models that we admired. Mari was more of a Zipper fan and she mentioned one of the models that she liked, that I absolutely cannot remember (^_^") then I told her I really like Nozomi. She just looked at me with this "What the hell?" face. She asked me, "what do you like about Nozomi?" I just told her "Her face, it's just so pretty you know like really really pretty and her style is great!". She just looked at me with a (-~-) hmm face.
Nozomi Sasaki of Pinky
So naturally one would ask what's with the face, and she just told me. "Did you know Nozomi was a Yanki before?" Well I did, and told her that I know I even saw a few pictures of her before modeling and she really was a Yanki but she's different now though. There's a big change in her style. But for some reason Mari seemed to have this prejudice about Yankis.
Then I told her about considering Yukina Kinoshita. She looked at me with big surprised eyes, telling me not to even go there. She claimed that Yukina was a Yanki before as well and it was disgusting. (^o^) she made me laugh seriously, she even went as far as to tell me that Yukina wasn't even Japanese to begin with. She was actually Korean because in her previous profile some photographer took a shot of her CV when she was still working in a clothes shop. Her name wasn't Japanese. She only changed it when she was able to (In Japan foreign people who live there for a certain time become Citizens and can change their name into a Japanese Name). I guess it's the same for Suzuki Emi (she's Chinese).
March Issue of Non-no
Now in all honesty I knew about Nozomi's past, but I didn't know about Yukina I just couldn't care less? I knew about Emi as well. But the fact that Mari was trying so hard just to make me not consider Yukina at all made me laugh~ Although when I was watching this TV show the other day with Gackt and few famous people. They were playing a game and Yukina was in it with a fellow model. She did have that little Yanki-poi like accent, the way she spoke gave it away. I guess she still hasn't change that part of her?
I did consider her as one of my favorites but in the end I dropped it. For some reason there are some shots that I love her face but some I don't plus her style wasn't any where near my kind. So it's really hard for me to like her that much. I guess for me it can't just be because she's pretty it has to be her style as well. Yukina without mistake is feminine but with a lot more edge, more strong and challenging. But my style is more on the dolly feminine soft, sweet, kind and cute image. So our styles really collide with one another.
Here's Yukina's style in comparison to Nozomi's style~
I also included Rina's as well as Yukina for you guys to compare among yourselves.
But in the end she did agree with me when it came to Rina Fujii (^0^)Y