Friday, February 26, 2010

Fashion Tv & Headphones

I was watching Fashion Tv earlier on today and I haven't noticed only till later that European and US brands in Fashion Tv are usually shown and portrated differently in comparison to some of the Japanese Brands. The models are usually serious and poker faced on the cat walk but the models of the Japanese Brand they give this light hearted and fun feeling. With all the smiles and dancing. It's really refreshing if you ask me, plus the songs are great!!!

I've embedded a video to show you guys what I'm talking about it's a year old by the way. It's "Tokyo Girl's Collection '09'"I love the way Jun started it off although it kinda looked weird but HEY it was great in comparison to the other models of Free's Mart. *(^o^)* Nozooomiiii Sasaki's thereeee~

I was going around earlier this week, and I found what I have been looking for 2 years ago! I remember last year going around shops just to look for "mix headphones" and no to avail I decided to settle with "wesc headphones". I have the same ones as below:

Wesc is not bad at all when were talking about the sound quality the only problem that I encountered was that it tend to squeeze my ears too much that over time it felt too tender and red! But I decided it was the next best thing I liked in after the mix ones. But the other day, while I was strolling along I accidentally glanced at this small shop who selled MIX!!! Like anyone who would've guessed. I ran into the shop without hesitation and bought it!!!

The sound quality wasn't as great as Wesc but for the price it was relatively good enough! It's comfy and the design is a bonus!!! I totally love it!!! (*3*)y So if anyone's looking for cheap good quality headphones I'll have to recommend mix headphones.

Yes yes, that's me on the right hand side. (-.-) I look lame~. I bought the pink ones! It's not as obvious in the pics I have to apologize about the low quality of the photos my camera's battery ran out on that day.

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